What is Black Death | What is Bubonic Plague | Kiftat

What is Black Death?

It is basically a Plague which is arrived in Europe in October 1347. This plague is also known as the Bubonic Plague. This Plague was killed more than 200 million people in Europe, almost one-third of the continent’s population. This is insane! This is the devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague in history.

Plague Doctor at the time of Black Death
Plague Doctor wearing plague suite at the time of Black Death

How did the Black Death start?

This is start with with the 12 ships from the Black Sea docked at the Sicilian port of Messina. People gathered on the docks and met with a horrifying surprise that most of the sailors aboard the ships were dead, and those still alive were gravely ill and covered in black boils that ooze blood and pus. Later they found that this Plague was carried by rats. The rats infected the food of the sailors. The ships were become a graveyard and nothing. The people at the dock were take the ill people and hospitalised them, by doing this they become also ill and here from this pandemic starts. This plague spread worldwide — 
In Europe– Russia, France,London,Spain, England and other countries.
In Asia — China, India, Russia and other countries.
In Africa

Fact about the Black Death

Many scholars think that the nursery rhyme “Ring around the Rosy” was written about the symptoms and scariness of the Black Death.

How did the Black Death infect the people?

The studies shows that the plague may travels from person to person through the air, as well as through the bite of infected fleas and rats.
At that time, these pests could be found almost everywhere in medieval Europe and later these pests were at home and particularly aboard ships of all kinds— that's why it is how the deadly plague made its way through one European port city after another. This is all about the estimates, also today we don't know perfectly that how this virus spread.

Symptoms of Black Death

This Plague infected person shows blood and pus seeped out of these strange swellings, which were followed by a host of other unpleasant symptoms like— fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, terrible aches and pains and then, in short order, death. This plague symptoms are not only found in humans but these are also found in animals like rat and in flea as you read above about them.
The Bubonic Plague is attack our lymphatic system which is causing swelling in the lymph nodes. If it untreated, this infection can also be spread to the blood or lungs.

The disease is so terrifying because the people who were perfectly healthy but when they went to bed at night could be dead by morning.

How did the Black Death end?

This deadliest pandemic end in 1352 with the death of about 200 million of people which are infectious. By taking precautions and live in quarantine makes this plague or almost all types of viruses weak.

What people thought about the Black Death after its end?

People are thought that their god is punishing them because their people are not worshipping him.
Some peoples are also thought that the plague was a Black magic and nothing.

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